Roots + Lineages

I am inspired and influenced by a long line of different lineages and roots. Here are just a few.

Diane Musho Hamilton is a masterful facilitator, mediator and Zen teacher. She is a lineage holder in the Soto Zen tradition. I have been a student of hers for the past 12 years and she has profoundly transformed the way that I see and experience myself, my relationships and the world. She is my guide to both waking up and growing up, and is my mentor in the deepening of my facilitation skills.

Systems Thinking + Social Innovation.
The world of systems change and social innovation has put words to my decades long experiences of frontline changemaking. It foregrounds the need to take a birds eye view of what is happening to tackle the root causes of the complex social and environmental problems of our time. It focuses on work collaboratively to evolve solutions that work for people, and for the living systems we rely on.

Yoga. Yoga, notably the Ashtanga tradition, has been the backbone of my movement and breath practice since 1997. It was through the Ashtanga tradition of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois that I grew to understand the power and possibility of a daily practice. Although my yoga practice is still daily, it has evolved into an expression of the movement that I need day-to-day, sometimes energetic and full, sometimes quiet and slow.

Integral Theory
Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory has been a foundation for how I see and understand the world. His focus on the true integration of these ways of thinking, doing and being has shifted my understanding and practice of changemaking, and am grateful to the community that his work has connected me to.