

The world is a chaotic place. So are our internal landscapes. Tools and practices that help us to more effectively manage complexity are becoming increasingly more critical. Lisa’s training provides world-class instruction to help manage in the face of ever-increasing busyness, uncertainty, stress and demands.


How I Work

As a Zen monk and longtime yoga practitioner and teacher, Lisa has more than 20 years training in mindfulness practices. She is passionate about bringing mindfulness into social change work more fully to support wellbeing and impact. Lisa creates customized mindfulness practices and approaches for individuals and teams to support change makers to do the work that they do in more sustainable and potent ways.

The research is clear that mindfulness is effective in helping to train our attention and energy, reduce stress and even increase our performance. Ultimately, mindfulness also offers us tools to be more present to reality as it unfolds - to the ups and the downs - and points us to more skilful ways to act and intervene.

For more information, get in touch with Lisa.


Lisa Gibson is a coach, facilitator and systems change consultant.

Lisa specializes in helping people and groups bring their whole hearts forward in creating a more just, caring and sustainable world. Through working with individual, organizational and policy misalignments Lisa is able to scale values, culture and systems change.

With over 20 years experience in local and international work at multiple scales, her work focuses on a range of issues, including facilitation of complex multistakeholder processes, anti-racism and decolonization processes, individual and group coaching, leadership development, curriculum design, and teaching mindfulness. In particular, she is passionate about creating transformative spaces that help to restore our connection with our selves, each other and the earth.